SESSION 5A: Possible Publications? Sharing, Recognising and Acknowledging your Work (PANEL 2)


8:00-9:00 UTC -7 | 17:00-18:00 UTC +2

Moderator: GLEN COUTTS


Meeting ID: 848 3286 4219

Passcode: InSEA

Possible Publications? Sharing, Recognising and Acknowledging your Work

Glen Coutts, President, InSEA (chair)

Jonathan Silverman, Editor, IMAG

Gabriella Pataky, Editor, IMAG

Maho Sato, Editor, IMAG

Viola Rekvényi, Design Editor, IMAG

The focus of this panel will be to introduce to the symposium an international, peer-reviewed e-publication (pdf). An open-access journal, that focuses on publishing contemporary research and practice,  primarily in visual arts. The panel will also discuss the nature of a ‘visual essay’.

The InSEA ART Education VISUAL Journal,  IMAG  provides a visual platform, which, in line with the constitution of InSEA, helps foster international cooperation and understanding, and promotes creative activity in art through sharing experience and practice of art in all educational situations. 

The panel will be convened by Glen Coutts, who will introduce the session and act as moderator. He will also moderate the question and answer session. 

The major part of the session will be devoted to the Editorial team of IMAG, often referred to as the ‘IMAG Quartet’ who will provide short illustrated accounts of good practices of publishing in IMAG. IMAG interpret the terms ‘visual arts’ and ‘education’ broadly to include, for instance, environmental, public art, place-based art design; textile crafts; indigenous making and socially-engaged art.  The Quartet will present examples of past issues that focused on a range of issues, for example, a recent special issue on Climate Literacy for Art Educators.   

The panel will include time for questions and discussion, for example, as the core of attention of the symposium is on ‘Possible Futures’ and ‘northern and Arctic issues’ in contemporary arts and design, how can these matters be raised and foregrounded in international fora?

Dr. Gabriella Pataky Ph.D is an associate professor at Eötvös Loránd University, Faculty of Primary and Pre-School Education (ELTE TÓK), head of Department of Visual Education and 3612+VisualSkillsLab in Budapest/Hungary, where she is responsible here for the art/visual culture teacher training master program.

Her main research fields are visual culture, visual literacy, alternative methods and contemporary art in visual education, multicultural education, transdisciplinary art education, built environment education, development of plastic skills. She is one of the elected European world councilors at the InSEA World Council and as one of the IMAG Quartet:: works on InSEA’s most visual journal to share ideas and connect members.



Viola Rekvényi, from Budapest, is an interaction designer and animation artist, who joined the editor team of InSEA’s IMAG journal in 2020 as design editor. Her main research fields are built environment education and creative spaces.



Maho Sato is a researcher, teacher and artist deeply committed to art education. She is an Associate Professor of Art Education in the Faculty of Education at Chiba University in Japan. Her research interests are craft education in formal and informal settings, art curriculum development, teacher education, and socio-cultural issues. Her current research is about traditional craft and identity in Japan. 



Jonathan Silverman is professor emeritus from Saint Michael’s College, Colchester, Vermont, coordinated the arts education program and taught courses on the creative process, integrated curriculum, and aesthetic/holistic learning. He is co-principal editor of InSEA's IMAG Journal and maintains his artistic identity as a potter and through drawing, watercolor, and assemblage. 



Panel Moderator

Glen Coutts is professor of applied visual arts education. A practising artist, he writes regularly about issues in art education. He is vice-lead Thematic Network on Arctic Sustainable Arts and Design (ASAD), president of the International Society for Education through Art (InSEA) (2019-23) and Chair of the InSEA Publications Board.
